There is practically no man who does not wear some ‘features and stamps’ on the skin. Sometimes, it is our characteristic sign, a recognizable mark, a charming ornament. But, sometimes, those are growths – congenital or obtained – that we do not consider dear or attractive. They are often unpractical – in inconvenient places, or they frighten us by their looks and sudden changes.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue are subject, during one’s life, to occurrence of formations of different size and characteristics. Those are mostly moles, warts, fibroma, atheroma, hemangioma, condyloma, skin tumors – mostly those are benign changes or changes of low grade of malignancy (‘precancerosis’). Treatment depends on their characteristics. Some are removed due to esthetic reasons, especially if present on the face, while others represent such group of tumors that require surgical removal – regular and complete, in order to avoid their recurrence.
It is important for these procedures to be performed by a competent expert in an adequate way, due to frequent unwanted scars and hyperpigmentation.
Description of the procedure
There is a broad spectrum of skin growths people want removed:
- Moles – hyperpigmentated growths of different shape, usually with a wide base.
- Fibroma are connective growths, usually on a peduncle, mostly multiple – they come in groups, located often on the face, neck, cleavage and in creases.
- Atheroma are broadened sebaceous glands, usually with clogged excretory ducts; often they become locally inflamed.
- Lipoma are growths formed out of encapsulated fat tissue.
- Warts are viral, usually multiple growths, they often and easily spread to surrounding area, which is stimulated by moist skin.
All skin changes mostly need to be completely removed; and then, do the postoperative histopathological diagnostics of the removed tissue.
Removal using radiofrequency (‘laser’) is very elegant, completely non-traumatic – it enables exquisite precision, significantly reduces damage to surrounding tissue, coagulates, so sutures are not necessary; it enables normal toilet and hygiene, make-up; it is not necessary to shave prior to the procedure if the growth is not located on the scalp.
Some skin changes have very broad base, or they are placed on the surface not favorable for RF – then, they are removed surgically, but again – using a radiofrequency scalpel – non-traumatic.
People opt for skin growth removal – mole – mostly if it gets mechanically injured – cut or plucked. Or, if it starts growing, bleeding, changing color and edges – becomes uneven or gets ‘satellites’, white or reddish edges; if it suddenly stings, tingles or itches – it is a warning sign and it is necessary to contact a doctor.
Some moles are in inconvenient places, places exposed to frequent irritation – at the edges of clothing, jewelry, in creases or in places of increased sweating. Then their ‘owners’ opt for removal even in ‘still’ stage.
It is important to point out that for skin growth removal in Polyclinic Lege Artis, it is no longer needed to attend preoperative examinations and consultations – it is sufficient to simply make an appointment for the procedure. Also, with regard to the method performed, it is possible to remove several growths at the same time, i.e. all growths the client wants to remove.
It is advisable to bring family doctor’s referral for further histopathological diagnostics, in order to reduce procedure expenses.
Course of the procedure
The procedures are performed using radiofrequency (‘no sutures’) or classically, surgically – with incisions.
The choice of method depends on localization, thickness of skin/mucosa, type of skin, type and expansion of the growth to be removed. It is very important that the procedure is done by a professional and competent person.
It is done under local anesthesia, with the possibility of further histopathological postoperative diagnostics.
Immediately after the procedure, patient is ready for regular activities, hygiene, toilet and make-up. Operated areas are treated with prescribed antibiotic cream for a couple of days.
If necessary, they can sometimes be protected by a compress, which does not exclude further hygienic actions.
In case of a surgical procedure, sutures are removed after 7-10 days.
Precautions and limitations
It is of utmost importance to follow the instructions given by the doctor. Areas where growths were removed can be regularly washed/showered, then dried and treated with antibiotic cream in a thin layer. In case the edge or the surroundings become red, spray with Octenisept.
Side effects and complications
With this excellent and effective method, complications are practically – unfamiliar. Possible hyperpigmentations can occur in the area from which the growth was removed, but they usually fade after a couple of months.
Also, the occurrence of keloid – hypertrophic scars – is possible with people who generally have a congenital tendency to such healing.
Includes the procedure, bandaging and control examinations until complete healing.