Face lift is an esthetic procedure for mature persons who want a natural – fresh and youthful appearance. In cases when conservative methods – hyaluronic filters, Botulinum toxin, radiofrequency rejuvenation – cannot anymore achieve desired results, one must turn to surgical face lift method.

It dates back to old Egyptians; nowadays, it has become a synonym for esthetic surgery.

In the hands of a skilled esthetic surgeon, face lift is a very powerful and effective weapon against traces on face and neck left by the passing of time and years. ‘With facial expressions, we emanate our mood and feelings, so it is necessary to keep it natural’ says Dr. Milenović, our esthetic surgeon; and continues: ‘Complex anatomy, contemporary esthetic demands, incredible development of methods of esthetic surgery, together with the fact that face is the most exposed part of body, make face lift the biggest challenge of every esthetic surgeon.’

Description of the procedure

Face lift is a surgical procedure which tightens loose and wrinkled skin and subcutaneous tissue of face and neck. It is extremely effective – it can make a person look up to 10 years younger, while retaining natural appearance demanded by contemporary standards of esthetics.

The best results have been observed in the middle and lower third of the face and around the edge of the jaw, where last line of the chin is again highlighted and a more beautiful crossing of the face towards the neck becomes prominent.

Facial skin is exposed to atmospheric influence, as well as harmful substances from the environment due to which, we can claim that facial skin ages the fastest. While other parts of the body are covered by clothing, the face is always exposed to view, so we are most sensitive to changes that are reflected on our face. Initial signs of aging are first seen in the reduction of elasticity of the skin and relaxation of facial muscles, the appearance of fine lines, emphasis of the natural folds of the face and changes in the contours of the face. Facelift is nowadays a very successful procedure for removing and mitigating these changes, and the effect of a rejuvenated look lasts more than ten years. After the expiry of this period, the face will still look better than it would look without surgery.


Ideal time for face lift – is individual.

It is most often performed in 50 to 60 years old patients. However, face and neck show clear signs of aging according to which it is determined if the person is a right candidate for the surgery – the face ‘melts’ and takes a sad look.

It is extremely effective – it can make a person look up to 10 years younger, while retaining natural appearance demanded by contemporary standards of esthetics.


Before the procedure, it is necessary to perform an examination and consult with our esthetic surgeon, Dr. Aleksandar Milenović in order to receive complete information on the method and course of the procedure.

Anesthesiologist, Dr. Čandrlić, will examine you, and provide all information on preoperative and postoperative period – what medical findings are necessary, what medications to take or leave out.

It is important, as well as with all other esthetic procedures, to stop or reduce smoking – due to negative effect to microcirculation, and thus, the course of recovery and final effect of the procedure.

Course of the procedure

Face rejuvenation esthetic surgery lasts for 2-4 hours; it is performed under general anesthesia, with the intensive postoperative supervision.

Most commonly, rejuvenation of face and neck is done at the same time. The location and length of the incision depends on what the procedure is trying to achieve and is adapted to the needs of individual patient’s condition (depending on the relaxation and quality of skin). It is mostly done with hidden surgical incision on the scalp and in front of and behind the ear. By lifting the skin and separating it from the subcutaneous tissue, the inner layer is tightened and soft tissue is reinforced with sutures. The excess of skin is removed with adequate cuts, if necessary, under the chin.

Very often, face lift is combined with blepharoplasty, eyelid correction – in order to achieve a more complete effect. Likewise, it is possible to insert chin implants simultaneously.


Patients stay at the Polyclinic’s suite for about two hours after the surgery for observation and supervision, analgesia and rehydration.
In the postoperative course, cold compresses are recommended within 24-48 hours.
It is necessary, for the first couple of days, to come to the clinic for bandaging, with frequency arranged after the surgery, depending on the volume and course of the procedure. A compression corset is worn for the next 7-10 days, after which the sutures are removed. The corset can be worn at night for the next 1-2 weeks, if necessary.
Analgesics help in the early postoperative period and facilitate the recovery.
Preparations based on acetylsalicylic acid (Andol, Aspirin), as well as products based on vitamin C should be avoided.
As for eating in the initial days, it is necessary to consume light food.
It is certainly good to have someone who will help you in the first few postoperative days.
A return to normal daily activities is possible 7-14 days after surgery, while heavy physical activity should be avoided 4-6 weeks after the surgery.
Recovery of sensation of the face and ears gradually returns within the first month, exceptionally a little longer. Scars are usually unsightly, hidden in the scalp, in the natural crease in front of and behind the ear. The first results are already visible after 14 days, and the final after 6 -12 months.

Precautions and limitations

It is suggested that patients quit/reduce smoking due to microcircular conditions. Likewise, it is necessary to stop taking blood thinners and analgesics from the group of nonsteroidal antirheumatics that contain acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Andol,…).

Side effects and complications

During consultations, Dr. Milenović and Dr. Čandrlić will provide all necessary information on possible complications and precautions.

Side-effects of this procedure are usually temporary. During the first couple of days after the surgery, face swelling and bruising can be expected. Within the first 24-48 hours it is recommended to put a cold compress on your face. The face will be sore and tight for several days, which may be reduced and eliminated by analgesics. Make sure that you sleep in half-sitting position; avoid bending your face to the ground.

Early complications may include bleeding, infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and in rare cases, facial nerve palsy (facial nerve). Late complications can include a milder asymmetry of the left and right side which is usually in line with the natural asymmetry of the face. It is common that the left and right sides are never equal and milder asymmetry of the face and neck is quite natural. If the patient notices any specific, worrisome symptoms, he should contact the Polyclinic as soon as possible to intervene in time. It is important to follow all the instructions as to restrict the possibility of complications to a minimum and accelerate postoperative recovery.


Package includes: first consultation examination with the doctor, preoperative examination by an anesthesiologist, surgery under general anesthesia, postoperative supervision, necessary medications, reviews and bandaging during the first postoperative days, extraction of sutures and necessary control examinations one year after the surgery.

Package does not include: preoperative laboratory tests (blood tests), ECG, intern’s examination, consulting with other specialists (specialist for diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, thyroid gland, transfusion), medications that you will take at home.

Book an appointment, consultation or intervention by calling +385 (0) 31 325 676

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