Odabirom opcije „Pošalji“ dajem svoju izričitu suglasnost i privolu da Lege Artis d.o.o. prikuplja, obrađuje, koristi i analizira podatke koji se odnose na mene uključujući i moje osobne podatke. Privola se izričito odnosi na podatke koje sam dao/la Lege Artisu d.o.o. prilikom registracije.Read more


    LEGE ARTIS – Policlinic of Surgery and Anaesthesiology
    Vukovarska cesta 31, 31000 Osijek
    OIB: 64738364296

    Tel: +385 (0)31 – 325 676
    Mail: info@lege-artis.hr

    Contact information by phone
    Ponedjeljak – Petak

    Contact and accounting information

    The tests are carried out according to a previously agreed appointment.

    Book an appointment, consultation or intervention by calling +385 (0) 31 325 676

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    Ask dr. Čandrlić

    Do you have any additional questions? Click here to directly ask our doctor.

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