Procedures done in the region around the rectum (anal and perianal) and in the area of the bottom of the pelvis are extremely painful due to very subtle and intensive innervations – nerves and nerve web. Therefore, for the aforementioned surgeries a very intensive analgesia is needed, sometimes even muscle relaxation, so they are done under general intravenous anesthesia.

It is important to emphasize that all these procedures are in the domain of the same-day surgery: postoperatively, patient stays in Polyclinic’s suite with intensive supervision – monitoring, analgesia, compensation of fluid and other possibly necessary measures and medications. After a couple of hours – in a completely stable and competent state, the patient is discharged home, always with an escort.

In case it is necessary – due to prolonged supervision or individual needs, the patient remains in further stay in the Polyclinic, with adequately trained personnel.

Book an appointment, consultation or intervention by calling +385 (0) 31 325 676

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