Condyloma, papilloma, warts, genital warts – are terms for a very unpleasant viral sexually transmitted disease. Their characteristic is that the treatment is very difficult, they are almost impossible to remove, and there is a chance of malignant alteration.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a cause of this common sexually transmitted disease that affects both men and women…

So far, more than 100 types of HPV have been found, of which the most is harmless to health; about 80 types causes various warts in humans, and about 30 causes condyloma.
Types 16, 18, 31 and 33 have been proven to cause malignant changes on the cervix, which makes them the most dangerous. These types of HPV, besides malignant changes, can cause growths, or condyloma, that usually grow in clusters inside the vagina and around the anus.
In men, condyloma is most often manifested on the root and body of the penis, on the foreskin and around the anus; they can appear in the rectum and inside the mouth.
If a pregnant woman has condyloma, there is a danger of transfer of HPV to the child during birth.
Malignant alteration is induced by infection with herpes simplex virus, immunological deficiency, fatigue, and smoking.
HPV is transmitted through sexual contact and oral-genital route.
The vaccine helps to prevent the occurrence of these diseases, but will not cure them.

Condyloma treatment is attempted using various means: prescribed liquid chemicals (Kondiloks, Imiquimod, Podophyllin), cryotherapy (freezing), electrocoagulation (burning), injection of interferon in each condyle (protein that produces immunity to the virus),…
All of those methods actually only treat manifestations of HPV, without curing the cause. Likewise, the aforementioned methods are mostly suitable for smaller superficial growths.
Despite the aforementioned, it is important to notice that HPV infection cannot be completely cured.

Since it mainly affects young people and people of childbearing age, it is important to minimize damage to the surrounding tissue and preserve the reproductive function.
Such methods are – surgical methods: removal of condyloma by radiofrequency and laser.
The procedure is done under local or general intravenous anesthesia – depending on the location and number of warts.


It is not necessary for the procedure done under local anesthesia.
If it is done under IV anesthesia, act according to instructions previously given by an anesthesiologist: the day before the procedure, after light supper, it is, perhaps, necessary to take a mild laxative in order to ensure morning defecation. Do not eat or drink anything 6 hours before the procedure. Common therapy, if necessary, take according to standard scheme or according to the arrangement made by anesthesiologist during the preoperative exam.


Postoperatively, take analgesics if necessary. Maintain the usual intimate hygiene. When done so, areas from which condyloma were removed heal spontaneously, successfully, without infection.

Side effects and complications

If condyloma reappear in the same or different region, it is possible to treat them again if necessary, due to minimum invasiveness of the procedure.


Package includes: the procedure and 3 postoperative control examinations.

Book an appointment, consultation or intervention by calling +385 (0) 31 325 676

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