This is the oldest and most commonly used surgical method that permanently removes hemorrhoids, applied in more severe forms of the disease.
Description of the procedure
This technique is very reliable. When it is correctly performed, it has a very low percentage of postoperative complications, carries a negligible risk of relapse (return of the disease), and it is, at the same time, the most uncomfortable to patients in postoperative course, for reasons of postoperative pain and prolonged recovery period.
It is often combined with other methods (laser, radiofrequency).
Act according to the instructions given by the anesthesiologist during the preoperative examination. Day before the procedure, have a light lunch (soup, cooked meat/fish, vegetables or pasta, rice…). About 2 hours after that start the preparation with MoviPrep – follow the instructions. First ‘dose’, i.e. 1l of the preparation dissolved in water – must be drunk right away. Second ‘dose’ should be taken in the evening (perhaps early in the morning is possible, if you are a ‘morning type’, or the procedure is scheduled after 11am).
On the day of surgery, in the morning, approx. 2 hours before the procedure, drink 0,5l of Donat Mg. Simultaneously with preparation, i.e. ingestion of MoviPrep, drink enough fluid due to loss of liquid via defecation; the best is water, tea, mild juice. Come for the procedure on an empty stomach.
Course of the procedure
It requires general or regional anesthesia. The procedure excises enlarged hemorrhoids (using surgical instruments), and the surgical wound is left opened and heals spontaneously.
Postoperative recovery is quite unpleasant, painful and slightly uncomfortable for the patient. It can take up to 3-4 weeks, but greatest discomforts occur during the first couple of days.
For that reason, as a rule, the techniques are almost always combined.
Postoperatively, after discharge, patient is supplied with analgesics for the next 2 days; after that, analgesics, as well as other sorts of individual therapy, are prescribed by his family doctor. Patients prone to thromboprophylaxis (which is determined on the preoperative anesthesiologist’s examination) are daily ensured adequate therapy by the personnel of Polyclinic Lege Artis in their own home or according to arrangement.
Postoperative pain depends on the grade of the disease, technique applied and individual pain threshold. The most painful period is during the first three postoperative days and it is important to take analgesics in time, i.e. immediately with occurrence of pain, according to the instructions of anesthesiologist.
After 10-14 days the patient is able to return to his daily activities and work. In the early postoperative period, one can expect mild gathering of the blood residue from the rectum. One should, therefore, pay attention to slowly getting up to sitting and standing position.
Nutritional recommendations include easy, digestible food without a lot of residue (soups, cooked meat and fish, mildly spiced, not fried; carbohydrates – potatoes, rice, pasta). Avoid fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese and milk, beans and food that cause flatulence. Take plenty of fluid. Do not force defecation; first stool should be expected after 2-3 days; perhaps enhance with Donat Mg.
Side effects and complications
This technique is very reliable. When it is correctly performed, it has a very low percentage of postoperative complications, carries a negligible risk of relapse (return of the disease), and it is, at the same time, the most uncomfortable to patients in postoperative course, for reasons of postoperative pain and prolonged recovery period.
Package includes: preoperative examination by an anesthesiologist, procedure itself, thromboprophylaxis if necessary, and analgesics for 1-2 postoperative days and control examinations during the next 6 months.