One of common mistakes and misconceptions is that there are ‘internal’ and ‘external’ hemorrhoids. Namely, ‘external’ hemorrhoids are, actually, perianal thrombosis.

It is formed as a consequence of blood clotting in nodes, sinuses of the external hemorrhoidal ring.

It is characterized by acute, sudden pain in the anal area. On the examination, it palpates as a firm, painful tumefact.
Treatment is simple, quick and efficient.

Description of the procedure

Under local, possibly general intravenous anesthesia, the incision is made and thrombosed blood is evacuated.
Immediately after, pain is alleviated – the patient feels immediate ease.


The cause is, probably, disturbed blood flow through anal veins – venous path. It can be caused by hormonal reasons: period, pregnancy; or, perhaps, after prolonged sitting, riding a bicycle, difficult defecation, straining, spicy food.


It is not necessary for a procedure done under local anesthesia.

If it is done under IV anesthesia, act according to instructions previously given by an anesthesiologist: the day before the procedure, after light supper, it is, perhaps, necessary to take a mild laxative in order to ensure morning defecation. In the morning, it is advised to drink 3-5dl of Donat Mg and after that, stop taking liquid and eating. Common therapy, if necessary, take according to standard scheme or according to the arrangement made by anesthesiologist during the preoperative exam.


Shortly after the procedure, the patient is discharged home with the recommendation for peroral analgesic, which is rarely necessary.

Side effects and complications

As well as with other surgical procedures in this region, bleeding of different volume is possible. But, with correct preparation of the patient and adequately performed technique by an expert surgeon, this complication is negligible.


Package includes: preoperative examination by an anesthesiologist, procedure itself, thromboprophylaxis if necessary, analgesics for 1-2 postoperative days and control examinations during the next 6 months.

Book an appointment, consultation or intervention by calling +385 (0) 31 325 676

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