Pacijentov vlastiti koncentrat trombocita pripremljen RegenKit-om. Trombociti su ključan faktor u regeneraciji tvrdog i mekog tkiva. Trombociti proizvode ključne faktore rasta kao što su: FGF, PDGF, TGF-ß, EGF, VEGF, koji su aktivno uključeni u stanične migracije, diferencijacije i proliferacije. Također induciraju fibrioblaste i endotelijalne stanice kako bi inducirale stvaranje novog ekstracelularnog matriksa i neo-vaskularizacije. Trombociti se dobivaju od vlastite krvne plazme pacijenta.

Plazma sadrži mnoge faktore ključne za život stanica, uključujući nutrijente, vitamine, hormone, elektrolite, faktore rasta kao što su IGF i HGF te proteine. Uz proteine iz plazme, sadržane su i vitalne molekule za koagulacijski proces i generiranje fibrinskog polimera , koji služi kao podloga za migraciju stanica i stvaranje novog tkiva.

Description of the procedure

Tretman CELLULAR MATRIX se izvodi brzo i jednostavno. Sastoji se od uzimanja male količine vlastite pacijentove venske krvi, koja se zatim centrifugira i pomiješa s HA (HA je već u istoj epruveti). Na taj način dobivenu plazmu ubodima finom iglicom primjenjujemo na tretirano područje.


This problem greatly compromises all common activities and makes life difficult for many. Candidates for this therapy may be both women and men of any age with pronounced discomforts and diagnoses. There is no preparation required for treatment. Immediate preparation of the treatment field will be done by a physician at the Polyclinic.

  • Elbow tendinitis
  • Achilles tendon
  • Rotating cuff
  • Patellar tendinitis
  • Lungs injuries
  • Ligament operations
  • Plantar fascitis
  • Cartilage injuries
  • Meniscus injury
  • Muscle injury
  • Bone reconstruction
  • PRP Rejuvenation Therapy – Lege Artis


Prior to treatment, the specialist will, by standard procedure, take out your blood. The pain you will feel will be minimal and negligible, the same as you feel at the classic blood drawing. After that, the doctor will separate the plasma from other ingredients of your blood by a special technique or a high speed spin.

Course of the procedure

Treatment is performed quickly and easily. It consists of taking a small amount of venous blood which is then centrifuged and mixed with hyaluronic acid. The resulting plasma, with small and gentle stings, is applied to the treated area. Depending on the area of treatment, a number of treatments are applied in the exact time period. In order to familiarize the patients with the intensity and length of the treatment prior to the onset of the same, the patient is obliged to come for free consultation.


The package involves the preparation of this treatment procedure and, if necessary, the control after 2 weeks. From one tube, 4ml concentrate is obtained and this is enough for face, neck, fists or cleavage treatment (one area). Of the two tubes, 8 ml of concentrate is obtained and is sufficient for two areas, eg face + cleavage or cleavage + hands.

In our Polyclinic we offer a unique approach to every treatment so that before each treatment we prepare the skin with the aid of Dermapen Therapy Microneedles which will allow for better penetration of the preparations into the skin. After treatment, the skin is fresh and completely regenerated.

In co-operation with banks, the Lege Artis Polyclinic provides the possibility of interest-free payments up to a certain number of installments.

For more information on the methods of payment and the cost of the treatment, please check the current price list of the Polyclinic Lege Artis.

Book an appointment, consultation or intervention by calling +385 (0) 31 325 676

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