BIOLITEC CERALAS E LASER – successful in removing issues with varicose veins
Varicose veins occur as a consequence of a modern way of life; they are present in almost 50% of the population. In Polyclinic Lege Artis, we deal with vein issues using a diode laser with radial beams – Biolitec, with endovenous thermal ablation. With a simple procedure – by guiding a laser probe into a vein, it is permanently and completely closed with heat.
Varicosities in large and small saphenous vein, accessory and perforator veins, relapsed veins and venous ulcers
- completely painless – without incision, wounds, scars
- quick – ambulatory procedure (1-2 hours)
- under tumescent and intravenous anesthesia (TIVA)
- return to daily activities immediately
- momentary removal of symptoms (swollen, painful legs, visible veins…)
- efficiently, permanently, without relapse and complications
- ideal for permanent and quick treatment of venous ulcers (1-2 weeks)
BIOLITEC CERALAS E LASER – successful in removing hemorrhoidal issues
Hemorrhoidal disease is a common modern-day disease too. The only effective and permanent therapy is – surgical. Laser hemoorrhoidoplasty is permanent, efficient, minimally invasive surgical technique.
Hemorrhoid of II and III grade, uncomplicated
- without incisions, sutures, open wounds and bleeding
- minimally painful postoperative course
- return to daily activities after a short period of time
- without relapse and complications present with classical techniques.