Description of the procedure
Sclerosant chemical agent – Polidocanol, Aethoxysclerol – of different concentrations, depending on the desired effect, is injected using a thin ‘insulin’ needle into the capillary lumen. ‘Foam’ represents the same agent, mixed with air under pressure, by which small bubbles are formed (hence the name of the technique at its beginnings – air block).
In that manner – chemically – we induce inflammation of the vein wall, blood clotting inside of her lumen and gradual disintegration, while directing the flow into healthy capillaries.
Tiny, web-like – blue and purple capillaries, on small areas, react very effectively to chemical sclerozation.
It is necessary to familiarize the surgeon with your therapy and preparations you are taking. It is recommended to eat a light meal and take fluid prior to the procedure.
Course of the procedure
Simple, quick, effective, pain-free immediately after the procedure, without scars or nerve damage. The procedure is done completely without anesthesia. At the moment of stinging and injecting the foam, there is a sharp, but very short sting – quite unpleasant, but it is an indicator of the effectiveness of the procedure. It is less painful with larger varics.
There is no compression therapy (elastic stockings) after the procedure; with active walking regime – immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to walk for about 30 minutes. It is recommended to take plenty of fluid. After the procedure – common regime of daily activities and personal hygiene, without limitations.
During 8-10 days, redness and bruising at the area of intervention are possible, with mild local pain, which disappears gradually.
It is important not to put gels or creams against hematoma (Heparin, Ice gel, and the like) on the treated area because it can become irritated. Care should be done exclusively with mild milk or skin lotion.
Precautions and limitations
If the changes are very expanded, the treatment is quite painful because the capillaries are in direct contact with numerous nerve endings in skin.
The amount (dosage) of the applied sclerosant agent is limited – by that, the volume of changes which can be treated during one treatment is limited as well.
There is often a chance for relapse – return of the disease, although usually in other areas. It is necessary to repeat the treatment regularly due to maintenance of the satisfactory condition and prevention of spreading of changes. It is necessary – as much as possible – to correct the mechanisms that had lead to the development of the disease.
Side effects and complications
Hyperpigmentation of skin is possible (…%), but it is, luckily, temporary. They usually disappear within a year. Sometimes, surface inflammation can occur as well.
Package includes: Procedure done under local anesthesia, custom-made elastic stockings of 2nd level of compression, 3 postoperative reviews with an additional sclerosation of the treated vein flow, if necessary.
Package does not include: first indicative surgeon’s examination, vein color Doppler; expenses made prior to admittance into Polyclinic Lege Artis.